@OneEyedJoe Lol. Stephen Lett is like Tang. He's dry and orange and nobody's given a f*ck about him since 1968.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
JoinedPosts by Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Trivial stuff about the AGM
by sir82 inlots of good comments already about the content of saturday's agm broadcast.. i just thought i'd add my (trivial!
) comments about the magnificent 7:.
-- loesch - was he intentionally trying to be boring?
Do They Still do Door-to-Door as Much as Before?
by cofty insince the advent of the trolleys do the majority of jws still go door to door like we used to?.
do they still have meetings for field service on sat mornings and sun afternoons where most head off to the local territory while one or two go to do trolley work or has the importance of door to door work reduced?.
with the reduction of printing wts and awakes what will they offer at the doors?.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@pale.emperor If the staff were doing that, the business would be moving along with the same speed as the WT organization.
Just overheard this after meeting . . .
by neat blue dog inthe annual meeting just finished, and here's a conversation i overheard from two gushing jws:.
they said we're so close!.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
You should have just said, "Maybe they'll re-release the Millions Now Living Will Never Die booklet from 97 years ago."
To paraphrase essayist and philosopher, George Santayana: Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
Do They Still do Door-to-Door as Much as Before?
by cofty insince the advent of the trolleys do the majority of jws still go door to door like we used to?.
do they still have meetings for field service on sat mornings and sun afternoons where most head off to the local territory while one or two go to do trolley work or has the importance of door to door work reduced?.
with the reduction of printing wts and awakes what will they offer at the doors?.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
The Regular Pioneers are desperate. I caught up with my mother at the mall and she brought along her friend, a sister. While my kid was playing on one of those mechanical cars, I asked my mother to watch him so I could grab a few things from the supermarket. When I came out, her friend was talking to two women (strangers) nearby. "She's giving a Witness," my mother whispered. Cool. When it came time for the ladies to extract themselves from my mother's friend and her pesky little iPad, I told my mother I needed to go back to her house to collect some mail. She said, "okay, but first I have to give some magazines to the locksmith over there. Your father used to call on him a while ago." My mother's friend said, "no. Save him for tomorrow. I just showed the two women the Website, so we are still counting our time."
Pathetic. Always on a timetable. Always focusing on the hours and all personal interest is lost. You know that new Kingdom Melody song lyric, "it's the person, not the face"? I beg to differ. "It's the hours that you get, it's a never ending threat..."
In memory of a lost doctrine - the vindication of Jehovah's name
by slimboyfat ini start this thread in response to a comment by a jw apologist called simonsays on another thread.
he claimed to have read all three volumes of vindication by rutherford (my sympathy if true).
he further implied that it didn't matter that old jw literature said wrong and stupid things, saying:.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Ah, yes. Vindication - a masterpiece by a misogynistic alcoholic. Rutherford had this crackpot theory that Mother's Day stemmed from an elaborate conspiracy by Satan to deflect "special honor and worship" away from Jehovah and toward women. Apparently, Satan's first orders of business on being ousted from heaven in 1914 was to influence world leaders to tell their mommies they loved them on a special day. It's genius! What a demonic way for Satan to get ready for his smackdown with God at Armaggedon. If only Satan had known he'd have over a hundred years (and counting) to toy with, he wouldn't have been in such a rush to pull out this trump card.
Do JWs wonder why never converted someone that knows the Bible?
by Counter-Watchtower inmy experience with jws that came to my house started me on a journey of learning the truth about "jehovah's organization".
it didnt take long for me to stump them with bible questions that show what jw org teaches is not biblically accurate.
i hope when i lay on them 6 pages of their history (which will later be a counter-watchtower magazine) the light will come on when they read about pyramids and see photos.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@Counter-Watchtower That's really admirable, but please know that the love and friendship you have with these Jehovah's Witnesses is very conditional. They are associating with you because they believe they have a chance of recruiting you. The second you reveal your intentions to wake them up to their doctrinal errors, or even just simply say you're no longer interested in studying the Bible with them but would love to just hang out/catch up regularly, they will make an exit from your life as quickly as they entered it. Jehovah's Witnesses are very strict about their associates, and if you're "worldly" - or worse - "opposed", they will be steering clear of you. If this does happen, please do not take it personally or feel jilted by your new friends. This is how they have been conditioned to behave toward fellow human beings... even if it is their own flesh and blood.
What The Bible Says About War (Awake 2017 Issue No. 5)
by Divergent inhttps://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/awake-no5-2017-october/what-bible-says-about-war/.
the bible's viewpoint .
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@Counter-Watchtower When it comes to conscription, alternative service and abiding with governmental authorities, the WT leadership has at times flip-flopped on the matter, and downright spoken out of both sides of its mouth for different JW branches across the globe, resulting in the unnecessary torture, incarceration and deaths of Witnesses simply following their religious leaders' orders. Please watch from 12:00 of this video:
Further reading:
Does JW Org Have Goons Like Scientology?
by Counter-Watchtower ini guess this would be a good question to ask.
does jw org have goons they send after ppl to threaten them?
or to inflict violence on?
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@Counter-Watchtower, yes. A couple of instances caught on camera. Toward the end of both videos is where the person who asked/said the wrong thing was unceremoniously shown the door:
Forget what they say, most JWs do not believe the end is near...
by drew sagan ini was a baptized jw for 7 years.
during that time i repeatedly vocalized my belief that "the end is near.
" however, what did this cost me?
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@Alfred Something's definitely wrong with that software. Most of us know when to quit when something is stuck loading for more than a day. Unfortunately, most Witnesses are prepared to stare at their frozen computer screen for the rest of their lives.
by Akid48 inmy family hasnt signed the blood paper but still say no blood (well the adults do).i overheard a elder taking to my aunt about the blood papaers she needs to fill out.but he also aid she needs a make a small little letter saying i wont take blood.some times i wish i never heard that talk.. even tho i knew i would have to stand up for me being hable to have life.now i just zone out and think will i die for something thats a lie?.
im going to try not to think about it for a little my head hurts after this..
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
I would just throw away/destroy your document so that it can't be used to support your parents' no blood stance if you're ever in a critical condition. I hope that will help if push does come to shove and you're in hospital one day.